Will you revive
From the chaos in my mind,
Where we still are bound together;
Will you be there,
Waiting by the gates of dawn,
When I close my eyes forever?
From "Forever" from the LP Epica, 2004
Kamelot started my revival in metal.
My friend John ordered the CD Black Halo, and I played a few tracks when the CD was delivered. I asked him to burn it for me, and then I was hooked.
It was symphonic, power metal.
Most metal for me was fairly hard, fast, and well, metallic sounding. Having been raised on Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult (the latter being the first band I ever saw in concert), I was a bit of a “radio-friendly” quasi-metal-head. In many regards, I still am.
I have tried to listen to the guttural groans of some of the current bands, but it really does nothing for me.
Kamelot, however, revived a spark. Owing something to Goth and classical music, this was enlightening for me. Black Halo just grows on the listener as the songs mount with fury, a double bass, an incredibly melodic vocalist, and fast guitars. When they wish to be, like Abandoned, the band turns to a softer, almost yearning side.
After indulging myself in the car for three weeks of playing nothing but this CD, I was ready to buy other Kamelot CD’s and started checking out “Power Metal.” To me, this was like a kid opening a candy store and finding no bad tastes.
I cued into XM radio on AOL, as they actually have a “power metal” station. I even began replaying Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. I felt there was a kinship of sorts which existed.
Then I went back and ordered more “classical hard rock/metal from an eBayer and suddenly, I was transported back to 1980, as a punk Midwesterner, playing air-guitar, annoying his parents who complained to “turn it down,” and jamming to the likes of Sabbath, Priest, The Scorpions, and BOC. The more I listened to XM power metal, the more I enjoyed it.
Then this spring, some magical happened of sorts. After recovering from my second heart surgery in 18 months—they fixed right this time, see my parent blog for details in April of 2006—I was watching MTV and “Metal” documentary by Sam Dunn was on. It was fantastic.
As a Sociology minor and teacher of Sociology, I was amazed at the social factors of the genre and the truly interesting interpretation of Dunn made about Metal and the audiences of the band—even the basic composure of the bands themselves. These guys are not fools; actually they are very gifted with intellect and musicianship.
I became entrenched as it were with the genre.
Hopefully this site will offer me the opportunity to glimpse at and explore the “power” and “classical metal” genre.
To my friends, and doubting Thomas’s that always knew as a punk rocker and classic rock guy—a note if you will; I am still that guy. But I have collected everything of those genres that I reasonably could. I will never turn from Elvis Costello, The Who, The Ramones, Jethro Tull, The Clash, Cheap Trick, The Jam, and so many others—I will never say any group could ever or will ever be as great as The Beatles.
Just check in once in a while and let me know if you might be willing to try some of the offerings herein.
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